Month: May 2017

Fun with Azure Moblie App errors

I’ve been pushing my Azure data backend pretty hard the last few weeks.  As Simple PoS has been getting closer to production I’ve been pushing more and more data into it, expecting speed and volume would show any cracks while I continued development. This has shown me a few things that I didn’t know before…

In the Lab: Simple PoS

I have been quiet on here for the past couple of months.  But there’s been much activity behind the scenes. We are preparing to release our next, and biggest, app to date; Simple PoS. Our target is a late June 2017 public release, so watch this space.  Now that we are close I feel it…

Voyer; 2 months of updates.

Hi, Since I last posted, Voyer has made some significant changes. It has settled down from rapid weekly updates to more substantial monthly ones which will continue to come as Voyer is under active development. So; Over the last two months on top of bug fixes I’ve added: Major: Post Replies. Download All for thread.…